Did you know?
Your septic tank should be pumped out every 3 to 5 years
Spending $400 to $600 to pump out your tank every three to five years is a bargain compared to the cost of repairing or replacing a malfunctioning system, which can cost between $3,000 and $10,000 for a conventional system.
Clogged filters are the #1 cause of all septic backups into the home
A properly working septic tank outlet filter will become clogged as effluent is filtered and leaves the septic tank. As the solid materials accumulate over time, they progressively clog more and more of the filter, requiring maintenance. Your septic tank outlet filter needs maintenance just like the rest of your septic system. They should also be cleaned when you get the tank pumped and cleaned.
When your drainfield fails, it can cost upwards of $10,000 to fix
A lot of septic system failures are caused by issues with the drainfield. The system relies on the drainfield to filter and disperse waste. When wastewater or solid waste builds up on the soil at the bottom of the drainfield, the soil plugs up and prevents proper drainage. Common causes of leach field malfunction include:
Draining chemicals, grease, paint, and other complex substances down drains
Excessive water use in the house and leaking toilets and drains
Damage from construction or vehicles on top of the field
Water runoff from excessive rainfall or snow
Tree and plant roots that interfere with pipes
Old age
Drainfield malfunction is a serious problem that needs to be addressed in a timely manner. If not properly fixed, the drainfield could put the health of you and your family at risk. The following are a few common signs of drainfield failure:
Grass over leach field is greener than the rest of the yard
The surrounding area is wet, mushy, or even has standing water
Sewage odors around drains, tank, or leach field
Slow running drains or backed up plumbing
Drainfields on average can last anywhere between 15 and 25 years if properly taken care of. Proper maintenance of your leach field starts with monitoring water usage and what goes into your septic system.
Toilets aren’t trash cans!
Your septic system is not a trash can. An easy rule of thumb: Do not flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper. Never flush:
Cooking grease or oil
Non-flushable wipes, such as baby wipes or other wet wipes
Photographic solutions
Feminine hygiene products
Dental floss
Cigarette butts
Coffee grounds
Cat litter
Paper towels
Household chemicals like gasoline, oil, pesticides, antifreeze, and paint or paint thinners